
what key problems should we pay attention to when customizing hotel lamps and lanterns?

2023-05-01 13:00

ⅠWhat key problems should we pay attention to in the hotel lighting customization?

ⅡClub decoration process how to match lighting to achieve the real effect

ⅢWhat should we pay attention to when choosing acrylic lamps?

ⅣThe role of installation art in the club, how to enhance the artistic sense of the club!

What key problems should we pay attention to in the hotel lighting customization?


First, the natural environment of the hotel required color and style

Non-standard hotel lighting custom according to the hotel's environmental art design suitable color and hotel move into the customer's extensive preferences, the right light source is conducive to all the normal daily life and work of the hotel, in addition to give him a very good atmosphere to promote the customer has a feeling of happiness, let its reluctant to move back and forth next time again into the hotel.

Hotel lighting customization

 customized acrylic chandelier

Second, the selection of lamps and lanterns raw materials when customized

All the normal use of LED chip lamps will be longer than that of other materials. In addition, when the indoor temperature of lamps and lanterns is 45 degrees and the integrated ic temperature exceeds 65 degrees, the use period will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out regulations on the materials of lamps and lanterns used by manufacturers when customizing lamps and lanterns. Short time is likely to see what shortcomings, but for a long time will cause fading, polarizing mirror and other conditions, so in the customization of lamps and lanterns must have a provision for the material, the provisions of the material will decide the use period and replacement cycle time after the customization of lamps and lanterns.


Third, the price elements of customized lamps

The price of the same level of lamps and lanterns is mostly the same, just because the manufacturer in the processing technology of the difference in price is likely to appear some error, but if the price of lamps and the average price of the sales market is far away from the word this lamp to make sure there is something wrong, said a price a cent goods, As the hotel is the decision to customize lighting must choose honest and trustworthy has the overall strength, user evaluation good lighting customization manufacturers to carry out lighting customization project.


Club decoration process how to match lighting to achieve the real effect


The club has become the main place for people to relax in their spare time in modern society. The lamp is an essential item. Now it is not only to meet the small needs of lighting, but also to become an important part of the decoration design of the club.


1, European lamp is a consistent frequent visitor in the club design, its gorgeous shape is full of the aristocratic atmosphere of the ancient court of Europe, whether in the shape design or the use of color, and walk simple and elegant Chinese lamp is completely different, can bring people visual shock and impact. And American lamp and American culture, out of European lamp, material can be said to be no different, mostly with iron art and branches as the main material, but in style and shape is more simple, in line with the United States advocate freedom, comfortable and leisure tradition.


2, the ancient typical will all a lot, but full of modern style of the club is not a minority. Compared with classical decorative lights, modern lights can be said to reflect modern people's pursuit of fashion, simplicity and personality, a large number of glass and aluminum, supplemented by modern expression techniques, lighting and modern simple style of interior decoration design together, in the lighting market has become a new force that can not be ignored.

 high ceiling chandelier

3. There are many kinds of lamps in the market, so in the Chinese decoration of the club, the owners must pay attention to the coordination between the types of lamps and the overall space. The size and specifications of lamps and lanterns, too large or too small, will destroy the style of the overall layout.


4, if the club space is larger, you can choose more fork decorative chandelier. The selection of the scale of wall lamp and floor lamp should be combined with the size of the room, the size of the main lamp and other conditions. Table lamp should be based on the size of the desk surface, can also be selected according to their own needs.


5. In the decoration process of the club, the ceiling is used as the overall lighting of the ceiling, but the lamps and lanterns can not be installed too low, so as not to affect the overall beauty and inconvenient operation. Floor lamps can be installed in the waiting room for customers to read books and newspapers while waiting.


6, in the collocation of different colors of lighting, but also according to the law of color will be combined, so as to play the effect of twice the result with half the effort, or it will cause visual confusion.


7, the club lighting design uses a variety of light sources, including LED, ALEE four degree Angle lamps, intelligent dimming system, fluorescent lamp and other new light sources, in order to ensure the lighting effect at the same time, not only energy saving and environmental protection, but also cost saving. Lighting mainly simplified Chinese style, into the modern elements, and interior design style characteristics to maintain a unified style.


8. The lighting design of the club is more important to do according to the functional requirements of different areas and members. Generally speaking, the lobby, banquet hall, Chinese restaurant  lighting, private room lighting requirements to be bright, so as to create a good indoor atmosphere. The reception room of the lobby, according to the requirements of the working environment, the illumination must be sufficient, reaching the illumination standard of 750LUX, convenient for customers to checkout, conference registration, etc.


What should we pay attention to when choosing acrylic lamps?


Acrylic relative to other materials, such as crystal, glass, etc., in the shape will be more like plastic, so we should bear in mind the following three points when buying:


1, look at the hardness

Lampshades with high acrylic content will be harder, and low content will be soft. Hardness is not high, the heat resistance of the lamp will become worse, easy to deformation and contraction, aesthetic degree is not high.


2. Look at the transmittance

Acrylic as a lampshade, mainly for lighting, good transparency of acrylic symmetry and whiteness are very good, if the raw materials and production process is not good, the light transmittance of the lamp will be poor, brightness will reduce, appear cheap.


3. Look at the thickness

Acrylic sheet is the most important to have enough thickness, the purchase is to ask clearly, pure new material acrylic sheet surface hardness and scratch resistance is excellent, no stimulation of the smell when cutting.


Acrylic lamp color persistence is strong, the appearance of gloss is high, the use of life is long, now in addition to the common ceiling lamp, there are also businesses with acrylic chandeliers, so we must pay attention to the identification of quality when buying.


The role of installation art in the club, how to enhance the artistic sense of the club!


Installation art applied to the specific performance of the club interior design


Step 1: Furniture


To fully take into account the characteristics of furniture, one is practical performance, which is also the interior design to consider the most basic conditions. The second is the decoration performance of furniture. The layout of furniture should not only beautify the interior space to a certain extent, but also make the other whole have the feeling of change in its use. 

2. Design and installation of lamps and lanterns


The different collocation between lamps and lanterns will create a different art space, often giving people a brand-new feeling. Therefore, the lighting design has attracted the attention of designers. In addition to its basic utility, it can also add highlights to an indoor environment. It's also a nice home ornament in its own right. 

 Custom acrylic project lamp


Step 3: Decorations


The reasonable arrangement of decorations will bring people a good sense of hierarchy and mystery, so as to enhance the overall artistic effect of the interior. Decorations pay more attention to their visual effects, and in a sense, reduce the practical value. Installation art is not restricted by artistic categories. It freely integrates painting, sculpture, architecture, music, drama, poetry, prose, film, television, sound recording, video, photography and other means that can be used.


4. Flowers and bonsai


Green plants can add a line of vitality and vitality to the indoor, its diverse forms, bright colors, but also increase the good visual effect. Art bonsai, in the club to bring green and vitality at the same time, but also to enhance the club's taste and temperament.


With the improvement of people's economic level, the pursuit of quality life is also constantly improving. People are more and more inclined to pursue individuality, the pursuit of self, complex modern life makes people seem a little lonely and tired. Especially a lot of young people because of incontinence to play mobile phone and get a disease - chronic fatigue syndrome. The disease is spiritual. Based on this social situation, it is very important to create a warm and generous indoor environment. Such indoor space can relieve people's fatigue to a great extent.

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