
on the importance of hotel lighting customization

2023-04-26 13:00

Before the lamp production technology is mature, there are not many manufacturers that can obtain manufacturing patents. Of course, the hotel customers will also choose some famous large-scale lamp manufacturers to cooperate. However, in recent years, the hotel lighting industry majestic development, more and more project lamp manufacturers emerge, a dominant situation was broken, a hundred schools of thought contend phenomenon.

Ⅰ.One flower, one world, one lamp, one hotel ---- On the importance of hotel lighting customization

Ⅱ.What are several styles of star hotel lobby chandelier design?

Ⅲ.How should hotel restaurant buy crystal chandelier?

Ⅳ.What should we pay attention to in the customization of non-standard project lights?

Ⅴ.Hotel banquet hall lighting custom design principles

Ⅵ.These three points hasten the custom design of hotel lamps and lanterns

One flower, one world, one lamp, one hotel ---- On the importance of hotel lighting customization


First, most of the hotel custom lighting material can not be separated from these categories: crystal or glass, stainless steel, marble, plate, resin, and so on, at the same time, mixing is also very popular. The manufacturer first designs the drawings and then confirms the drawings for production. The cycle of the whole lamp customization production is about one month, and the price will be cheaper than that of purchasing directly in the shopping mall.

Second, now the hotel lighting customization manufacturers in ancient Town will be equipped with professional design teams. In specific projects, the designers' thinking and users' ideas will be combined to form product ideas, and finally get personalized hotel customized lighting with selling points and new products with unique value.

hotel lighting customization

Third, many star hotels, high-end clubs, real estate model rooms, villas need lighting customization, not customization is difficult to fit the style, size, and personalized needs of the space. In order to meet the customized needs of distinguished customers, we need to customize lamps and lanterns to meet the needs of different styles, different processes and different volumes.

Personalized demand is more and more, the market has been difficult to find the right hotel lamps, so most hotels, in the balance of advantages and disadvantages, will choose to customize their own hotel environment of the hotel customized lamps.


What are several styles of star hotel lobby chandelier design?


There are many kinds of lobby design styles in the hotel lobby chandelier design, simple and complex, smart and solemn are a kind of beauty, different space style exudes different charm, the following introduces the common style of hotel lobby design.

Hotel lobby chandelier

1. Courtyard lobby design

It is mainly to add Chinese garden design in the hotel design, such as adding rockery, stacked stone and other elements in the lobby. The sound formed from the height reflects the characteristics of the combination of movement and movement in the lobby; Or add natural landscape in the corner of the lobby, reflecting the artistic conception of nature, so that consumers can also feel the freshness of nature indoors.


2. Modern lobby design

This design style uses lighting and color design to make the whole lobby full of fashion.


3. Classical lobby design

This is a traditional decorative design style. For example, the antique chandeliers, classical paintings and unique staircase railings used in the lobby make consumers feel the simplicity and elegance of the lobby space.


4. Heavy technology lobby design

Its design reveals a rigorous structure with solid pillars. The whole lobby space is full of vitality and vitality, creating a strong atmosphere to welcome visitors from all over the world.


How should hotel restaurant buy crystal chandelier?


The selection of crystal lamps and lanterns must be based on the star rating and interior decoration style of the hotel restaurant to purchase, and the interior decoration style of the hotel restaurant to be set off.  And false crystal lamps not only can not be the finishing touch, but like baby learning steps.  Also according to the size of the interior space of the hotel restaurant and the appearance of the lamp design to select.  Hotel crystal lamps are generally hung in the service hall of the hotel restaurant or hotel, so we must use beautiful air and generous ceiling crystal lamps or hanging crystal lamps.

 hotel lobby chandelier

What should we pay attention to in the customization of non-standard project lights?



The choice of hotel lamps, the first need to consider the safety of the lamp structure, and then consider the beauty of the lamps and lanterns and other soft decoration coordination, the last is the price factor. Because the hotel lamps are usually customized for non-standard engineering lights, especially in the lobby lights, lamps and lanterns are large, the weight must be low, safety is the first consideration.


The use of LED chip as the light source hotel non-standard engineering lights than ordinary light source lamps longer service life, at the same time, lamps at room temperature 45 degrees, chip temperature more than 65 degrees, the service life will be greatly reduced, so it is necessary to use the material of the lamps and lanterns strict requirements, poor material production of lamps and lanterns, short-term may not see what drawbacks, But long time use will produce fading, polarization and other phenomena, the material requirements will determine the service life and replacement cycle of the lamps after customization.

Hotel custom lighting must choose good faith and strength, good reputation customized lighting company. Because the hotel lamps are usually customized lamps, especially in the hotel lobby lights, lamps are large, the weight must not be too light, lamp safety is the first consideration. In short, the most important thing for hotel project lighting customization is to customize the appropriate lamps and lanterns according to the hotel's comprehensive factors, check the quality of lamps and lanterns, and try to achieve low price and high quality.


Hotel banquet hall lighting custom design principles


Modern audio-visual and lighting equipment is an important symbol to show the grade of the banquet hall. Enough pipelines should be reserved in the design to ensure the audiovisual effect in all areas of the venue. The audio control room should have a view of the stage inside the banquet hall.


The banquet hall is the place for the banquet of senior guests, lighting should be palace, it is composed of the main body of large ceiling lights or chandeliers and other down lights, spotlights or a number of wall lights. Strong matching lighting, both strong illumination and beautiful light, color rendering is very good, but can not have glare.

These three points hasten the custom design of hotel lamps and lanterns

First, the hotel lighting customization can basically meet the lighting and decoration needs of different areas of the hotel

First, the hotel lighting customization can basically meet the lighting and decoration needs of different areas of the hotel


Playing the role of lighting does not mean that artificial lighting should be used over time. Some high-end hotel lighting design there is a misunderstanding, is no matter day and night, with indoor lighting instead of natural light. And in order to highlight the luxury of the hotel, the lobby light is rendered full of brilliance. In fact, artificial lighting can only simulate daylight lighting, can not replace. Only by combining daylight and artificial lighting well, can we create a comfortable light environment and play the due function of artificial lighting.


crystal chandelier

Second, give people a good experience

In addition to the basic function of lighting, light source can also affect people's sensory experience and emotions. Professional hotel lighting design can make lighting decoration on the punchline. According to different styles and different functions of the space, the charm of lighting can be played to enhance people's psychological feelings. For example, the lighting design in the dining environment is important to create a comfortable dining atmosphere. Restaurant lighting should create a kind of friendly good atmosphere, under normal circumstances, low illumination is easy to use low color temperature light source. As illumination becomes higher, there is a tendency to transition to white light. For lighting equipment with high illumination level, if you use low color temperature light source, you will feel stuffy. For low illumination environment, if the use of high color temperature light source, there will be a blue and white gloomy atmosphere. Therefore, in the lighting design, according to the actual situation, choose lust index is the key.


Third, it has the effect of reducing expenditure by increasing source

Really excellent hotel lighting design, on the basis of meeting the basic functions, but also to reduce energy consumption and attract passenger flow. Hotel lighting energy consumption has been a major cost of the hotel, so at the beginning of the lighting design should put the lighting cost control in the first consideration.


Due to the hotel lighting in the wide application of the hotel shows its unique highlights, so that countless heroes do bend the waist, more and more hotels choose the hotel lighting custom, which directly promotes the hotel lighting custom design more mature.

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