
What are the unique design styles of a good hotel custom lamp?

2023-05-10 13:00

Ⅰ.What are the unique design styles of a good hotel custom lamp?

Ⅱ.What are the advantages of acrylic lamps?

Ⅲ.Choose the hotel project chandelier need to pay attention to the following points

Ⅳ.These three points hasten the custom design of hotel lamps and lanterns

Fast pace of life, high pressure, more and more people begin to pursue simplicity, everything simple. More and more hotels also began to use modern simple style of hotel custom lamps, even more and more like this style of lamps. Modern simple wind hotel custom lamps, strong sense of The Times, beautiful and generous, there is a key point is the hotel lamp customization cost easy to control.

What are the unique design styles of a good hotel custom lamp?


Here are five points that designers share:


First, simple but not simple


Some people hear the word contracted, it is easy to react to the condition, directly with "simple" two calligraphy and painting equal sign, this is definitely wrong understanding. Modern simple style hotel custom lighting, must be the designer deliberate, after several research and development design modification results, it is absolutely not the product accessories at will "pile" or "placed", it is a meticulous process, only the heart can exchange for a beautiful and use of hotel custom lighting.


Second, the tone is simple, strong sense of The Times


In the configuration of the hotel custom lamps and lanterns, most of the modern simple style will choose white light. Through the unique lighting design, the use of light color to enhance the fashion sense of the hotel, both comfortable and beautiful. Configuration, simple modeling, a look at the feeling of fashion, very avant-garde.


Third, the hotel pays attention to environmental protection and energy saving


In the hotel lighting design, the use of lamps are generally a variety of types of combination, because to take into account the functional needs of different places. According to the importance of different hotel space and different occasions, set up different scenarios, reduce the cost of lighting power consumption. Save energy at the same time, but also can achieve the most perfect lighting and decorative effect.


Fourth, safety first


In order to highlight the luxury of the hotel, the hotel will generally install some large lamps in the lobby or more important places, the flow of people in these places is relatively large, the weight of large lamps must be much more than the weight of most ordinary hotel lamps, so a good hotel custom lamps in the shape, decoration is exquisite, in the security should pay special attention to.


Fifth, maximize low - cost high - yield


The price of custom lampsdirectly determines the grade of the hotel lighting, the price of the same grade of lamps are basically the same. There may be slight deviation due to the difference in the manufacturing process of the manufacturer. But if the price difference is too wide, the lamp may have problems. Therefore, customized lamps should choose strong, good reputation lamp manufacturers, in order to ensure the quality of lamps.


What are the advantages of acrylic lamps?


1. Color


Strong color persistence, acrylic surface gloss, beautiful color, lasting 5-8 years, in other words, that is, within 5-8 years will not change color, fade.


2. Built-in light source


No external wiring, not easy to damage, the first no external wiring, dealt with the neon wiring exposed in the outside is not beautiful, and dealt with the line, light source exposed in the air simple short circuit, lighting and other problems, and because of the good sealing of Zhongshan ancient town acrylic, and dealt with the problem of rainy days can not turn on the light, rain and snow days as usual.

 custom chandelier

3, strong light transmission


Applied to the field advertising occupation of Zhongshan ancient town acrylic sheet has extreme outstanding light transmittance, coupled with the built-in light source, the night brightness is uniform, soft, compared with neon light Zhongshan ancient town acrylic is all luminous, unlike neon light is line luminous and soft neon light.


Choose the hotel project chandelier need to pay attention to the following points


1. Time and durability


Usually star hotels, about five years for a small innovative repair, about ten years for a large innovative repair. Since the usual minor repairs would not replace the lamps, the human resources involved would be too large. This means that in the selection of lamps,The Z of the lamp under heat and pressure, including reflective cup cover, cooling components, fixed (positioning) assembly quality is very important.


2. Flexibility


Usually star hotels choose the light source, life is about 2000 to 4000 hours. So there's been a lot of demand replacement over the last decade.Number of light sources. The number of lamps and lanterns in star hotels is more than ten thousand, so the replacement of light source is a huge human resources.

 customized lighting

3. Detail appearance


For example: take the common sky lantern as an example, its trim spray quality

Plain, (if it is metal, what is the surface quality), the degree of lubrication of the reflective cup, (if it is frosted reflective cup, the uniformity of sandblast),

When the lamp is installed in the ceiling, and the ceiling surface (gypsum board/wood finish) joint tightness (whether there is light leakage) and other details, we are

It should be noted. Another point by the way, in addition to hardware (lamps), installation workers (technology) is also crucial, decoration should be good

Ensure that the lamps are installed in the correct way.


4. Light index


Usually, in the selection of lamps and lanterns in "lighting/lighting description", we should consider the light index, including the following:

The "CutoffAngle" of lamps, glare effect, how to preserve the light source, the elasticity of the projection direction of lamps, the expansion degree of accessories

Such factors affect the selection of lamps and lanterns. Especially for the extensibility of accessories, we should think very carefully because of the control of the light

Most of the indexes include "projection point of View", "Colour/colour positive", "Glare avoidance", "accurate projection/Lighting", etc

All rely on these accessories to build the atmosphere.


5. Security


The choice of hotel lamps, the first need to consider the safety of the lamp structure, ceiling bearing capacity, and then consider the beauty of the lamps and lanterns

The coordination of his soft clothes.

These three points hasten the custom design of hotel lamps and lanterns


First, the hotel lighting customization can basically meet the lighting and decoration needs of different areas of the hotel


Playing the role of lighting does not mean that artificial lighting should be used over time. Now some of the domestic high-end hotel lighting design there is a misunderstanding, is no matter day and night, with indoor lighting instead of natural light. And in order to highlight the luxury of the hotel, the lobby light is rendered full of brilliance. In fact, artificial lighting can only simulate daylight lighting, can not replace. Only by combining daylight and artificial lighting well, can we create a comfortable light environment and play the due function of artificial lighting. At the same time, different areas also rely on lighting design to highlight different regional functions. For example, the color temperature of the reception area should be the same as that of the entrance to the room, which can set off the hospitality of the reception staff. And the settlement center area, the lighting requirements are higher, in the overall lobby will appear very bright.


Second, give people a good experience


In addition to the basic function of lighting, light source can also affect people's sensory experience and emotions. Professional hotel lighting design can make lighting decoration on the punchline. According to different styles and different functions of the space, the charm of lighting can be played to enhance people's psychological feelings. For example, the lighting design in the dining environment is important to create a comfortable dining atmosphere. Restaurant lighting should create a kind of friendly good atmosphere, under normal circumstances, low illumination is easy to use low color temperature light source. As illumination becomes higher, there is a tendency to transition to white light. For lighting equipment with high illumination level, if you use low color temperature light source, you will feel stuffy. For low illumination environment, if the use of high color temperature light source, there will be a blue and white gloomy atmosphere. Therefore, in the lighting design, according to the actual situation, choose lust index is the key.


Third, it has the effect of reducing expenditure by increasing source


Really excellent hotel lighting design, on the basis of meeting the basic functions, but also to reduce energy consumption and attract passenger flow. Hotel lighting energy consumption has been a major cost of the hotel, so at the beginning of the lighting design should put the lighting cost control in the first consideration. Then there is open source, which is the pinnacle of hotel lighting design. To achieve this realm can be the icing on the cake for the overall decoration of the hotel, but also to establish a good reputation to lay the foundation. A good reputation will enhance the customer flow for the hotel, thus creating value for the hotel, but also more conducive to improving the competitiveness of the hotel in the industry.


Due to the hotel lighting in the wide application of the hotel shows its unique highlights, so that countless heroes do bend the waist, more and more hotels choose the hotel lighting custom, which directly promotes the hotel lighting custom design more mature.

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