
What is installation art?

2023-05-15 13:00

Ⅰ.What is installation art?

Ⅱ.How to buy hotel lobby chandelier?

Ⅲ.The selection of high-grade villa lamps is mainly different from the following aspects

Ⅳ.What misunderstandings do people have about LED lamps and lanterns?

Installation art is a modern movement characterized by immersive, surreal works of art. Often, installation artists create these works for specific locations, allowing them to become adept at transforming any space into a customized interactive environment. The concept and characteristics of installation art.

What is installation art?

1. Pseudo-authenticity


A key attribute of installation art is its ability to physically interact with the viewer. While all artistic mediums have the ability to engage individuals, most do not fully immerse them in an interactive experience. In addition to facilitating a dialogue between the observer and the artwork, this unique feature invites people to look at art in new and different ways.

2. Large-scale


Given its interactive nature, most installation art works are on a large scale. Their enormous stature enables the viewer to be completely immersed in every environment that is larger than reality. In many cases, it even allows them to sit, stand or walk through it - a unique ability not often found in more traditional art forms.

3. Specific locations

Unlike sculptures, paintings and similar works, installations are often planned in specific locations, from galleries and museum rooms to outdoor Spaces.


Like many modern and contemporary genres, installation art forms are rooted in several different movements: conceptualism and performance art.



Conceptual artists believe that the idea behind a work of art takes precedence over its aesthetics. This sentiment also exists in installation art, some famous contemporary artists use their famous installations to convey messages to the audience. "As a human being, I was born to give my opinion," he explained. By speaking my opinion, I realize who I am."


Performing arts


Performance art may look different from installation art, an art form in which the two movements are linked by one key characteristic: the creative and conceptual use of space. In both cases, artists find innovative and creative ways to reinterpret and imagine everyday environments.


How to buy hotel lobby chandelier?


Chandelier is one of the important lights in the hotel lobby supplies. Commonly used hotel lobby chandeliers include European candleship chandelier, crystal chandelier, fashion chandelier and so on. How to choose from the many chandeliers that perfectly match your hotel?


According to the style of the chandelier. Chandelier styles are various, you should choose according to the style of the hotel, so that the chandelier and the whole lobby environment match, the perfect combination can highlight the taste of the hotel.


The quality of the chandelier. When buying a chandelier, you should first check the chandelier such as trademark, model, rated voltage and rated power. Mark safety is the basic requirement of the safety performance of the chandelier, the rated power is particularly important. If the power of the chandelier selected exceeds the standard, it may cause problems such as shell deformation and insulation damage.


The structure and material of the bearing bracket of the chandelier. Chandeliers in hotel lobbies are usually large and ornate. When purchasing, pay attention to whether the structure and material of the support bracket are commensurate with the weight of the lamp. The structure of the support should be appropriate to the shape of the lamp, and the force of each part should be uniform. The cross-sectional area should be sufficient to support the weight of each part of the chandelier and the total weight of the lamp.


The selection of high-grade villa lamps is mainly different from the following aspects


1. First of all, from the appearance of the lamp, whether the proportion of the whole lamp is symmetrical, whether the height of the lamp holder is different, whether the spacing of the lamp holder is consistent, etc.


2. Look at the details, from which you can judge the level of lighting manufacturing technology. For example, whether there are defects and obvious burrs in the fine degree of surface detail treatment, whether the solder joints and corners of the lamp body are properly handled, whether there are obvious welding scars, whether the color is uniform, etc. If it is an all-copper lamp, is the pattern on the lamp body clearly carved and the sandhole fully repaired? These can be visually identified with the naked eye.


3. The material of the lamp body, such as copper lamp, whether the lamp arm is thick, and whether the decorative leaves or receptions are thick and textured. For example, are the dewaxed copper lamps in France replaced with recycled copper and inferior accessories? Recycled copper is rough, and dewaxed copper is delicate and soft, and the price is several times that of recycled copper. If it is a fabric lampshade, see if the glue leaks out and the edges are neat; If it is a glass lamp shade, check the lamp shade for impurities, air bubbles, etc.

 installation-art chandelier

4. This is vital, but it is often overlooked by us, but it is related to safety. That's the cap wire of the light fixture. There are many types of wire on the market today, and the prices of good and bad wires vary widely. A good lamp holder is also resistant to high temperature, the contact copper sheet in the lamp holder is thick and durable, with strong electrical conductivity.


What misunderstandings do people have about LED lamps and lanterns?


Some people buy for the long service life of LED lamps, but in fact there is a certain difference between its service life and the data. The service life of ordinary LED lamps actually has many influencing factors, such as ambient temperature and use methods, we should pay attention to its light decay speed, so in the process of buying, Don't just look at its brightness, but to pay attention to its material condition!


Another is the misconception about price. Many people think that price must reflect its cost and its quality, but does it really? Generally speaking, it is difficult to guarantee its safety at a low price, but it does not mean that it is really very safe at a high price. In the process of selecting materials, Sun's LED lighting will pay attention to all details, especially in the process of customization, products will be adjusted according to customers' needs. So that customers in the process of daily use, LED can have a high life, but also enough security!

Custom project lamp

As said before, many people in the choice of LED lamps and lanterns will pay attention to its brightness, but this blind pursuit of brightness is not only a waste and may also produce a bad effect, remember in the process of buying lamps, first to meet their lighting needs, and then choose what kind of brightness can meet your needs, suitable can be too bright but not good!

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