
What are the issues to pay attention to when choosing villa lighting fixtures?

2023-07-24 13:00

What are the issues to pay attention to when choosing villa lighting fixtures?

Although villas are something that many people can't reach, since they exist, they are like ordinary houses that require decoration and various lighting fixtures. Of course, reasonable lamp selection and lighting design are also necessary. Taking the selection of lighting fixtures in the villa living room as an example, let's discuss what issues need to be paid attention to when selecting lighting fixtures in the villa?

What are the issues to pay attention to when purchasing villa living room lighting fixtures

Firstly, the color temperature for the selection of lighting fixtures in the villa living room

Based on the main color scheme of your living room, choose whether it is warm or cold, and choose the lighting for warmth or coolness. For example, modern style living room lighting fixtures often have a color temperature that leans towards white or cool colors. And for Chinese style living room lighting fixtures, the color temperature should be warm white or yellow.

2、 Lighting Effects of Choosing Lighting Fixtures for Villa Living Room

After all, lighting is the main purpose of lighting, which means you need to determine how many lights your living room needs to be bright based on the overall size of the living room and the power of the lighting fixtures. The darker corners of the living room can be decorated with floor lamps or wall lamps.

What are the issues to pay attention to when purchasing villa living room lighting fixtures

3、 Appearance and Grade of Lighting Selection for Villa Living Room

The appearance of lighting fixtures must be coordinated with the size and style of the living room, and secondly, strive for elegance and avoid luxury. The living room in a house is like a person's face. If the lighting fixtures are chosen too bland, it will make people feel shabby. If they are chosen too luxurious, it will definitely cause invisible pressure on visitors and cannot let go of their hands and feet.

4、 The height of the villa living room should be matched with lighting fixtures

If your villa living room is high, you can choose large chandeliers with upward lighting, and you should also leave some space between the lighting fixtures and the upper part to narrow the gap between light and shade in the space. If your living room is low, you can choose ceiling mounted lighting fixtures and floor lamps, which will make the living room appear more lively and elegant, with a very modern artistic atmosphere.

The lighting fixtures in the villa living room are not only lighting tools nowadays, but also the decorator of the room. The selection of lighting fixtures not only reflects the owner's vision, but also reflects the owner's cultural and artistic literacy. It is a rare and practical yet beautiful artwork.

The selection of villa lighting fixtures and lighting design should follow the usage functions of different functional areas

Nowadays, a lamp is not only a lamp, but also a lamp. It is no exaggeration to say that lighting, with its beautiful shapes, colors, patterns, and artistic effects, integrates with interior decoration. Therefore, we should scientifically select villa lighting fixtures based on the usage functions of different functional areas in the villa.

The entrance is not equipped with natural lighting, so there should be sufficient artificial lighting to improve the harsh lighting conditions. Cold and warm lights can be used in the corridor. Warm colors bring warmth, while cool colors are even more refreshing. The fashionable wall lamps installed on blank walls are both decorative and illuminating, killing two birds with one stone.

The living room, solemn and bright, is very important. The living room is a leisure activity space in the family and an important gathering place for family and friends. Lights are needed to create a gentle atmosphere. Bright and dignified chandeliers or ceiling lights. Usually, the lighting of the main and auxiliary lighting is matched with each other. By adjusting the brightness and highlights, the indoor atmosphere can be increased, but the overall style must be maintained in harmony.

Bedroom. Of course, the important thing is to be warm, comfortable, and quiet. Avoid dazzling lights. The style of the main light should be consistent with the decoration style of the entire bedroom, and the light should not be too strong or too white to avoid the bedroom appearing dull and lifeless.

It can be divided into general lighting, local lighting, and lighting. Ordinary lighting for living room rest; Local lighting includes clothing, reading, and clothing collection; Decorative lighting mainly aims to create a spatial atmosphere in the bedroom, such as a romantic and warm atmosphere.

In a restaurant, lighting and appetite have an important relationship, and the function of lighting has a subtle relationship with people's taste and psychology, so choosing lighting in a restaurant is particularly important. The lighting in the restaurant should be soft, quiet, with sufficient brightness, and match with the surrounding tables, chairs, and utensils to create a visual aesthetic and enhance the appetite of family members.

The study based on the principles of brightness and softness is a private space next to the master bedroom, so the lighting design should follow the principles of brightness and softness, and the lighting should be soft. The desk lamp used for reading and learning is a direct beam desk lamp with a reflector and a lower opening, namely a work desk lamp or a writing desk lamp. Incandescent and fluorescent lamps are commonly used as light sources for desk lamps.

Bathrooms and fully illuminated bathroom lights are often used, and generally ceiling lights should be chosen as a whole. The overall lighting of the bathroom does not need to be too sufficient, as long as there are a few key points, for example, an independent lighting lamp can be installed next to the makeup mirror, and a wall lamp can be installed on the wall of the mirror or washbasin.

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