
The application of sculpture in the city, sculpture design makes the urban environment more distinctive

2023-03-30 13:00

Urban sculpture is a theme sculpture for beautification and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and the theme of the theme, commemorative monumental sculpture sculpture, decorative sculpture sculpture, iconic landmark sculpture.


Thematic Sculpture

Thematic sculptures are the historical trend of the times, they are often based on the ideals and wishes of the people, and they are often based on images, images, and fun.


century sculpture

The backbone and backbone of monumental landscape sculpture, the backbone and indispensable of each era, can be an eternal concept of a certain common concept. Used to conceptualize important figures and major historical events.

They tend to occupy important positions, such as the main square in the city or the place related to the object to be commemorated. And there's sexual slavery to commemorate.

Century sculptures have the significance of inheritance, education, beautification and explanation.


decorative sculpture

The majority of urban sculpture works are decorative works. For decorative urban sculptures, the theme and content can be widely conceived, the mood can be relaxed and lively, and the style can be free and diverse. Their scales can be large or small, and most of them belong to the environment and architecture, becoming embellishments and highlights in the overall environment.

 glass sculpture

iconic sculpture

Iconic urban sculptures play a descriptive function and set up image symbols. Some are implicit and vivid, have profound meanings, beautiful images, clear and easy to understand, and appeal to both refined and popular tastes, and have become an important part of the urban landscape.


display sculpture

This method of arranging sculptures outdoors is different from the principles required by general urban sculptures. Instead, arrange all kinds of sculpture works like exhibition furnishings, so that the public can concentrate on watching a variety of excellent sculpture works. There are also works that are all written by one author, centered on a special topic, and are composed of strict overall design.


art complex

The overall layout of these works is rigorous and careful, and the scenes are grand, mobilizing various artistic means such as sculpture, architecture, gardens, music, painting, cultural relics display, movie slideshow, torch lighting, waterscape lighting, etc., around a common theme, each exerts its unique image language, It forms a sequential space that unfolds layer by layer, enhances the rendering from multiple perspectives of vision and hearing, and interweaves and affects the various senses of the viewer in an all-round way.

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