
Lighting Knowledge - Layout

2023-07-03 13:00

Lighting Knowledge - Layout

Lantern Yinghua Hall - Living Room Lighting

The living room usually features a generous and bright chandelier or ceiling lamp as the main light, paired with various auxiliary lighting fixtures, such as wall lamps, down lamps, spotlights, etc.

As for the main lighting, if the floor height of the living room exceeds 3.5m or above, a slightly larger grade and specification of ceiling lights or ceiling lights can be selected. If the floor height is about 3m, a mid range luxury ceiling light should be used. If the floor height is below 2.5m, a mid range decorative ceiling light should be used or the main light should not be used.

Additionally, place a separate desk lamp or floor lamp at one end of the sofa to allow indirect light to scatter throughout the sitting area for conversation or reading. You can also place unique wall lamps in appropriate positions on the wall, which can make the wall shine. If there are murals, display cabinets, etc., invisible spotlights can be set up to embellish them. Placing a miniature low intensity incandescent lamp next to the TV can reduce the contrast between light and dark in the hall, which is beneficial for protecting vision.


Warm Lights - Restaurant Lighting

The focus of lighting decoration in a family restaurant is certainly the dining table. Lighting can generally be done with hanging chandeliers. To achieve the desired effect, chandeliers should not be installed too high and should be placed at the level of the diner's view. For a rectangular dining table, two chandeliers or long oval chandeliers should be installed. The chandeliers should have light and shade regulators and adjustable functions, so that they can be used for other work purposes. Chinese cuisine emphasizes color, aroma, taste, and shape, often requiring brighter and warmer colors. When enjoying Western cuisine, if the light is slightly darker and softer, it can create a romantic atmosphere.

The ceiling and walls of the dining room should have sufficient light, otherwise it will affect appetite. Spot lights or wall lamps can be used to assist in lighting.


Bright Lamp Quietly Viewing Room - Study Lighting

The environment of the study should be elegant and quiet, simple and lively. It is best to shine light from the upper left shoulder, or install a high brightness and non dazzling desk lamp in front of the desk. The desk lamp in the dedicated study should use artistic desk lamps, such as rotary wall or dimming artistic desk lamps, to directly illuminate the desk with light. Generally, it is not necessary to fully use it. For easy retrieval, invisible lights can be installed on the bookshelf.

If it is a multi-purpose "study" in a room, it is advisable to use semi enclosed, opaque metal work lights that can concentrate light on the desktop, meeting the needs of the work plane without affecting other indoor activities. If reading on a chair or sofa, it is best to use floor lamps with adjustable direction and height.

Lighting Dream Shadow - Bedroom Lighting

The bedroom is a resting and sleeping room that requires good privacy. The light should be soft and should not be harsh, in order to make it easier for people to fall asleep. Dressing and makeup require even and bright light.

You can choose low light ceiling lamps as the basic lighting and place them in the middle of the ceiling; Wall lamps can be installed on the wall and next to the vanity mirror; The bedside lamp is equipped with a bedside lamp. In addition to the common desk lamp, the modern metal lamp with adjustable lamp head angle fixed on the bed backrest is both beautiful and practical.

Ming Chef Produces Good Cuisine - Kitchen Lighting

The lighting fixtures used in the kitchen are usually waterproof, smoke proof, and easy to clean. Generally, embedded or semi embedded astigmatic ceiling lights are installed above the operating console, and masks are embedded with transparent glass or plastic to make the ceiling simple and reduce the trouble caused by dust and oil stains.


A range hood is generally installed above the stove, and there is an invisible small incandescent light inside the hood for the stove to illuminate. If the kitchen doubles as a dining room, single cover single fire lifting or single layer multi fork chandeliers can be installed above the dining table. Warm incandescent lamps should be used as the light source, and cold fluorescent lamps should not be used.

If there are no lights in a family, it is like a person without eyes. A family without eyes can only live in darkness, so the position of lights in the family is crucial. Nowadays, people refer to lighting fixtures as lighting fixtures. From the title, people can see that lighting fixtures are not only used for lighting, but also for decorating rooms.

chandelier light

Using a Scientific Perspective to Choose Lighting Accessories


Generally, residential buildings are divided into living rooms, study rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and foyers. Due to their different functions, the required light sources are also different. Choose different lighting fixtures based on different room functions.


The configuration of lighting fixtures in the living room should be conducive to creating a stable, generous, warm and warm environment, making guests feel at home. Generally, a single or multi headed chandelier can be installed in the center of the room as the main light. If there are banners of calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall behind the sofa, two wall lamps of appropriate size can be installed on both sides of the calligraphy and paintings, and one floor lamp can be placed next to the sofa. This type of lighting arrangement is both stable and elegant, and light sources can be selected according to different needs. It can be used for the initial display of the Huadeng, full room glow, or single lamp alone, promoting old memories.


A study is a place for family members to work and study, requiring high lighting levels. Local lighting fixtures can be used for general work and study lighting, preferably high-power incandescent lamps. The main lighting adopts both single fork chandeliers and fluorescent lamps, and the position may not be in the center, which can be determined according to the specific indoor situation. The design and style of lighting fixtures should not be too flashy. Elegant and elegant are the best, creating a quiet and comfortable environment for people to read in.


A simple bedroom is a place for people to sleep and rest, and should give people a quiet and comfortable feeling. It is important to avoid dazzling light and dazzling lighting fixtures. A hanging main lamp can be installed in an appropriate position in the room, and a bedside wall lamp can be installed at the bedside. If it is a bedroom that can be used for multiple purposes, a ceiling mounted fluorescent lamp can be installed in the center of the room, and two wall lamps can be installed in key areas that require increased illumination. These lamps are controlled by switches to meet different needs.

 non-standard engineering lights

A restaurant is a place where people eat, and the dining table requires horizontal illumination. Therefore, it is advisable to choose lamps with strong downward direct illumination or pull-down lamps, so that their pull-down height is 600-700 millimeters above the table. The position of the lamps is generally above the dining table. To increase appetite, incandescent lamps with a capacity of 60 watts or more are used. Sometimes restaurants also have other functions, so multiple sockets are needed to serve as power sources for table lamps and floor lamps.


The kitchen is a place used for cooking and washing utensils, usually with a small area. Most of them use general lighting on the ceiling, with a capacity of 25-40 watts. Modern kitchens are equipped with range hoods above the stove, usually equipped with 25-40 watt lighting, which greatly improves the illumination above the stove. Modern kitchens also have many cabinets above the cutting and preparation ranges, and local lighting can be installed under these cabinets to increase the illumination of the operating table.


Bright and soft lamps shall be used in the toilet. The lamps shall be moisture-proof and not easy to rust. The light source shall be incandescent lamps with high Color index. When using wall lamps, they should be installed on the wall perpendicular to the curtains to avoid reflecting shadows on the windows. When using a ceiling light, avoid installing it on top of a bathtub directly covered by steam. The power of wall or ceiling lamps should be 40-60 watts.

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