
Lighting design is divided into several categories

2023-02-17 13:00

First, the design of lighting fixtures, such as civil or industrial fixtures.

Second, the design of modern lighting outdoor lamps.

Third, urban lighting. Such as roads, buildings, neon lighting, etc.

Four, specifically refers to the lighting design of commercial stores, stages and other crowd gathering places.

Illumination refers to the use of various light sources to improve the brightness of a specific place. Modern artificial lighting mainly uses electric lighting, while gas lamps (gas lamps), candles, oil lamps and so on were used in the past. Lighting in interior design is a professional design for illumination and color temperature of various building environments. It should not only meet the requirements of indoor "brightness", but also play a role in setting off the environment and atmosphere.


Generally, the interior architect puts forward the requirements, and the electrical engineer makes accounting and adjustment. Illumination is to use artificial light or natural light to provide people with enough illumination (general illumination), Or provide good identification (road lighting, advertising signs, etc.), emphasis on characteristics (architectural lighting, key lighting, etc.), or create comfortable light environment (residential lighting, etc.), create special atmosphere, etc. (commercial stage lighting), and other special purposes (biochemical, medical, plant cultivation, etc.).

Light damage, or light pollution, is a problem caused by excessive use of lighting systems by human beings. The most obvious effect is that the stars in the city night sky are covered by the lights of many buildings and disappear. This affects the study of observing the universe and destroys the ecological balance. Since the early 1980s, the Global Dark Skies Campaign has been launched to encourage people to reduce the use of lighting systems to reduce the problem of light pollution. Light damage is a by-product of industrial development, mainly from home lighting, advertising, commercial products, office buildings, factories, street lights and open-air sports fields. The countries affected by light damage are mainly developed countries, such as the United States, European countries and Japan. It is worth noting that a small amount of light damage can also create quite serious problems. The recent advent of private space travel has made space-based orbital billboards feasible for the foreseeable future and could be a new source of light damage.

To prevent this, NASA passed a law in May 2005 banning conspicuous advertising in Earth orbit, but other countries have not yet started corresponding work.

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