
Lighting and Decoration - A Pair of Good Brothers

2023-07-12 13:00

Lighting and Decoration - A Pair of Good Brothers

Lighting cannot be separated from lamps, and lamps are the concentrated reflection of lighting. They are not only tools for completing architectural functions and creating visual conditions, but also a part of architectural decoration, and are the unity of lighting technology and architectural art. Therefore, the requirements for lighting fixtures must have functionality, economy, and artistry. With the continuous changes in architectural space, furniture scale, and people's ideology and lifestyle, the light source, materials, style, and setting methods of lighting fixtures have undergone significant changes. The combination of lamps and indoor environment can form a variety of different styles of indoor atmosphere. Therefore, modern lamps not only play a role in indoor lighting, but also an important part in creating environmental atmosphere. The first thing to consider when considering indoor lighting is the unified style of indoor lighting fixtures. The various lighting fixtures used, such as chandeliers, wall lamps, desk lamps, and standing lamps, should not only be unified in terms of shape, material, and color, but also coordinate with the overall interior decoration style (referring to the overall tone formed by the shape and color of all indoor spatial objects) in order to meet people's aesthetic requirements and create good lighting decoration effects.


At present, there are a wide range of materials available for making lamps, including metal, ceramics, glass, plastic, bamboo, wood, and paper, with a wide range of material sources. Choosing suitable lighting materials, in addition to economy, should consider the overall environmental conditions, material texture, and decorative effects to create different atmospheres. The use of glass and transparent plastic lamps can create a delicate and vibrant atmosphere. Luminaires made of chrome or nickel plated metal can display a strong sense of modernity. Luminaires made of natural materials such as stone, ceramics, and bamboo often give people a simple sense of closeness.

Objects illuminated by natural or artificial light sources must have sufficient brightness to present colors, so that the human eye can have a sense of color. When the light disappears, the color also disappears. Currently, the light sources used for artificial lighting include incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, halogen tungsten lamps, high-pressure mercury lamps, high-pressure sodium lamps, and metal halide lamps. In order to create architectural spatial and artistic effects that are in line with architectural functions and conducive to production and cultural activities, attention should be paid to the mutual coordination of light and color. Light, like color, has a distinction between warmth and coldness in people's psychological perception. Light is explained by color temperature and color is represented by color image, both of which are very similar. Therefore, it is possible to flexibly combine the color of the lighting with the texture, color, and illuminance of indoor decorative materials to create a suitable environmental atmosphere. If low color temperature light is used to create a warm and gentle atmosphere, it can enhance the soft feeling of indoor wood, fabric, carpets, etc. In hot areas in the south and places where low color temperature light sources such as incandescent lamps and warm white fluorescent lamps are used, cool and peaceful tones should be used as the indoor base color. For places with low illumination, low color temperature light sources should be equipped and white light should increase with increasing illumination.

Sometimes, in order to enhance spatial effects, enrich and improve certain requirements of the design, the variation and distribution of light can be used to create various visual effects. For example, in interior decoration, lighting is often used in conjunction with fabrics and decorative components to handle the indoor background. The color of lighting and the use of fabrics, curtains, and platforms are used to virtual partition the indoor space into visually appealing areas. For example, to avoid guests coming in at night and seeing the bed, a brighter direct light can be used to highlight the hanging pictures on the wall as the visual center; Attract the guest's first attention upon entering the door. For example, yellow light can be used to increase the depth of the scenery in small spaces.


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