
Do you know? Customized lighting design for non-standard lighting fixtures should have uniform brightness

2023-06-21 14:00

Ⅰ.Do you know? Customized lighting design for non-standard lighting fixtures should have uniform brightness

Ⅱ.Selection skills and installation precautions of non-standard engineering chandeliers

Ⅲ.What are the aspects of hotel lamps to consider

Do you know? Customized lighting design for non-standard lighting fixtures should have uniform brightness

Living room: You need to create an intimate atmosphere, but please choose the traditional ceiling lamp or Chandelier. The lamp should be high and bright enough to scatter light in the living room. The general lighting style should be maintained as coordinated as possible. If the living area is large, lighting can be effectively arranged according to the area and functional area. Entrance: Here you can enter the room to give an impression. Therefore, it should be lightweight. Downlights, spotlights, or wall lights can be installed near the intersection of the entrance and living room to improve the lack of light.

Customization of non-standard lighting fixtures

The customized lighting design of non-standard lamps should have uniform brightness to create a bright and pleasant atmosphere. It can increase the layering of light and create a contrast between light and dark. Each lamp or different combination of wires is cleverly arranged and combined. At the same time, a switch or dimmer that can adjust brightness can be set. Both primary and secondary collaborations can be used. You can use large chandeliers as the main light source. Small floor lamps, desk lamps, and other additional local lighting provide it with different primary and auxiliary lighting atmospheres. You can also use the built-in light as the main light source in the living room, supplemented by desk lamps or floor lamps to supplement the brightness of the corners. It doesn't need to be too bright, but it is enough to meet people's visual requirements for various activities while still feeling elegant and creating a calm atmosphere.

Customized lighting

For the customization of non-standard lighting fixtures, it is important to consider the weight balance issue that household lamp manufacturers do not have to consider. Most technical lights are non-standard products. Different shapes, materials, and weights require experienced non-standard customer specific manufacturers. Each load-bearing structure and hole structure of the lamp must be considered. Usually, customers who choose non-standard technology lights for customization are designers or buyers. They are aware of their project conditions, such as decoration style, required quantity, construction time, etc., and are very clear about their needs. Therefore, after communicating with such customers, you can quickly understand their needs so that you can communicate them to the designers and create a custom plan.

Selection skills and installation precautions of non-standard engineering chandeliers

Since non-standard engineering chandeliers have become an important decorative role in the home decoration, the choice of non-standard engineering chandeliers has become a difficult problem. For the non-standard engineering chandeliers emerging one after another in the market, round, square, chandelier, ceiling lamp, wall lamp, floor lamp, desk lamp, orange, log color, transparent color... What kind of non-standard engineering chandeliers should be chosen?

When selecting non-standard engineering chandeliers, the modeling should be serialized as much as possible. If you like exquisite luxury, you can choose a kind of non-standard engineering chandeliers that are not vulgar; Pursuing innovation can choose the second type of non-standard engineering chandeliers with unique shapes; Of course, no matter how to choose, practical non-standard engineering chandeliers are essential. When selecting, we should pay attention to the practicality of non-standard engineering chandeliers while choosing according to our own preferences. At present, many practical non-standard engineering chandeliers in the non-standard engineering chandeliers market are divided into antique and innovative secondary ones.

Customized chandelier

Customization of hotel chandeliers

When choosing non-standard engineering chandeliers, the colors of non-standard engineering chandeliers should be coordinated with the colors of the overall home environment. Because the non-standard engineering chandeliers itself has a light source, its color itself is more eye-catching. In order not to destroy the color design of the overall home environment, we must pay attention to the coordination between the color of the lampshade and surface color of the non-standard engineering chandeliers and the color of walls, furniture and curtains. It should be noted that the color light emitted by non-standard engineering chandeliers is different from the color of objects. The three primary colors of objects are red, blue and yellow mixed into black, while the color light is gray. The blue plus yellow of an object is green, while the blue plus yellow of color light is yellow-green. Therefore, when choosing non-standard engineering chandeliers, it is advisable to choose a certain color in the home.

Installation skills and precautions of non-standard engineering chandeliers

1. When installing non-standard engineering chandeliers, if you install sub-control switches, you can save a lot of troubles. Because if there is only one main switch and several lights are turned on and off at the same time, you can't choose the light and shade of the light, and it will waste electric energy. When you install the sub-control switch, you can choose to turn on several lights at any time according to your needs. If there is an aisle at the entrance of the house, it is best to install a switch at the end of the aisle, so that the power can be turned off directly after entering the door, without going back to the door to turn off the lights.

2. The lighting system should be set to be dimming, that is, when the light feels dim or dazzling, it can be adjusted, and people will feel more comfortable and comfortable.

3, the color temperature of the light should be consistent with the atmosphere of the room, at least to be similar to the color temperature of other areas of the room. Non-standard engineering chandeliers can be installed at the top layer to reduce the shadow when working.


What are the aspects of hotel lamps to consider

Hotel lamps are generally difficult to find in the lamps market to fit its required style, so many hotels favor customized hotel lamps, and only customization can achieve the desired effect of hotels. Customized lamps can not only fit the hotel style, but also better show the charm of the hotel. In order to ensure the perfect effect of lamps , all aspects should be considered, especially the following aspects can not be neglected.

Customization of hotel lamps

First, the coordination between hotel environment and lamps

Lighting designers can increase the communication with interior designers, in order to reflect the unique charm of the hotel, harmony and consistency, and design the lighting effect suitable for the hotel environment and meet the needs of guests. Let the guests linger in the charm of the hotel and indulge in the embrace of the hotel.


non-standard lighting

Second, the material of lamps

The quality assurance of hotel lighting comes from the choice of lighting materials. For example, the most popular lamps with LED chips have a longer service life than lamps with other materials under normal use, but when the room temperature is 45 degrees and the chip temperature exceeds 65 degrees, the service life will be greatly reduced. When customizing lamps, we must put forward requirements for materials. If inferior materials are used, the disadvantages may not be so obvious in a short time, and long-term use will produce fading, polarization and other phenomena, which will directly affect the service life of lamps and shorten the replacement cycle of lamps .

Third, the environmental protection and energy saving of lamps

In the design of hotel lamps, there are many lamps used sometimes, so we can consider using changeable lighting and control methods to achieve energy-saving effect. Try to use natural light and reduce the use of artificial light. According to the importance of different spaces in the hotel and different occasions, set up different scenarios and establish different lighting calibration to reduce the power consumption cost of lamps. While saving energy, it can achieve the most perfect lighting effect of lamps.

Fourth, Safety of lamps

Hotels usually install large lamps in the lobby and important occasions, and there is a large flow of people. The weight of large lamps is much heavier than that of ordinary lamps, so when customizing lamps, its safety is the most important factor for hotel lighting.

Fifth, Price of lamps

The price of customized lamps directly determines the grade of hotel lighting, and the price of lamps of the same grade is basically the same. There may be small deviations due to the differences in manufacturing processes of manufacturers. But if the price difference is too wide, this lamp may have problems. Therefore, customized lamps should be selected with strength and good reputation lighting factory, in order to ensure the quality of lamps.

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